“ Honesty is always the best policy, even when it’s not the trend ”

Win @ Life is one of the initiatives started to build the attitude and values of each child. It creates a strong learning environment that enhances academic achievement and develops students' social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives.

One period every day is dedicated for building this.

We have invested on various books, videos, materials etc to develop the Childs attitude from the beginning.

Implementing the Values-based Education Programme

Values are introduced in assembly each month children become familiar with values.

Lots of basic training is needed, especially in the early years: manners, routines, picking up the positive and giving praise when children show respect etc.

We have high expectations and clear boundaries: the foundation of good values require good discipline.

We aim for a calm, reflective atmosphere which facilitates contemplation. Then the children get to know themselves better and develop a sense of responsibility for their own lives and happiness.

At the start of the year class rules are decided with the children: the rules are then real and meaningful for the children.

Opportunities are taken to discuss values throughout the curriculum.

As teachers, we try to live the values: we teach best by being role models.

Activities that promote Reflective Thinking

Teachers are especially mindful of the activities that promote positive thinking and incorporate these into their teaching as much as possible. These include:

  • Creating a peaceful climate in the classroom and on the school site.
  • Taking children to beautiful places to experience peaceful places and encourage them to value them.
  • Pupils setting their own targets for their work and behaviour.
  • Pupils involved in the assessment of their own work.
  • Giving opportunities for decision making.
  • School’s behaviour policy that clearly defines how the school puts emphasis on behaving well and positive thinking.
  • Giving time in class for pupil to respond to some of the basic needs within us: friendship, love co-operation, to clarify their understanding of values.
  • Helping children to be relaxed and unstressed but focussed on their activities.
  • Including visualisation as a teaching technique to help in the development of imagination and memory.
  • Opportunity for role-play so that skills associated with negotiation, co-operation and assertiveness are developed. This helps children to understand the potential consequences of giving way to peer pressure.

Win@Life - Planner

# Months Values Attitudes
1 Month 1 Respect Respect Self & Others Courtesy Discipline Justice
2 Month 2 Think Big Determination BHAG Courage Endurance
3 Month 3 Excellence Ownership Perseverance Commitment Responsibility
4 Month 4 Innovation Think out of the Box Creative Proactiveness Patience
5 Month 5 Ethical Behaviour Discipline Integrity Empathy Openness
6 Month 6 Continual Learning Problem Solving Invest in Yourself Learn From Others Number Accumen
7 Month 7 Humanities Generous Forgiveness Sharing Gratitude
8 Month 8 Being Self Less Empathy Modesty Love & Care Loyalty


Time Management Wishing / Greetings Daily Routines Time Consciousness
Repeating Aim High Speak Out Run the Extra Mile
Take Charge Never Give Up Honour Your Words Passionate
Window of Opportunities Visualisation Differently Think Ahead Keep Trying
Being Transparent True to Your Word / Actions Think for the Other No Politicking / Gossips / Watchful in Your Words
Bring Permanant Solutions Keep Reading Listening Love for Numbers / Logical Reasoning
Accept others, don’t keep the count of good Take Positives Only, Negatives to Improve Help Beyond Expectations, Not Money, But the Thought & Actions Remember the good deeds
Hear the Other Side, Balance the Problems Spread the Success to the Team, More us than I Respect Others, Show Love and Care Continuity, Team Spirit